We got into the vet yesterday and Thor was searched top to bottom, and nose to tail... OK nub. After a "Yes there is a slight bump behind his left shoulder", then came an "actually behind both shoulders". He also tipped the scales 5 lbs heavier. Guess where some of that weight is? You got it. My boy has a couple of fat rolls! Well Back to the bad food. I had tried to get him off Hills Prescription r/d and was trying Blue Buffalo. He was getting gassy but Prozyme fixed that. He Is also ALWAYS hungry on the BB. So now we are doing the switch back. (sigh.) I think this was my last hurrah on trying a new food for him, as it is the 4th one and everything else is higher in fat. So I am going to give up that stress for both our sakes.
I had also switched Arabella hoping to only buy one kind of food for both dogs. She is going to go back to the Wellness now as well. I have noticed her scratching more. Plus she too got gassy and is using Prozyme. I think she needs to go back to a grain free diet. Or maybe I will try the Blue Buffalo new grain free line. It is too high in fat for Thor but I think Arabella could do well on it.
I may have mentioned Thor was just not wanting to play. When we were leaving the vets yesterday there was a beautiful 12 week fawn boxer boy going in. His name was Max and Thor was smitten! He had to go over and play a bit. I think Thor's size intimidated Max's dad, but it didn't phase Max in the least! They were very cute playing together! It was good to see Thor bounce around and doing the play bow. Made my day!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
We are all doing well. Actually I don't know about that. Thor sometimes jumps like someone is poking him and he feels a bit swollen just past his left shoulder. Even though our vet's office is open today and tomorrow, my vet doesn't work these days. I really prefer my vet. He understands I educate as much as possible, and he is comfortable with me asking questions and doesn't hesitate referring me to a specialist when needed. I am going to see about getting him in on Monday if things don't get better over the weekend.
Thor has been sleeping quite a bit lately and is less active. Another worrisome thing. I recently had my wisdom teeth out and then had company for a week. So I am just now really paying attention to him after a busy few weeks. I also noticed when Arabella would play he would run from her. At first I blamed it on the extremely hot weather we had but it has cooled down and he still doesn't want to play. I think I have a few long days in front of me.
Thor has been sleeping quite a bit lately and is less active. Another worrisome thing. I recently had my wisdom teeth out and then had company for a week. So I am just now really paying attention to him after a busy few weeks. I also noticed when Arabella would play he would run from her. At first I blamed it on the extremely hot weather we had but it has cooled down and he still doesn't want to play. I think I have a few long days in front of me.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Boy is it Hot!
We are in the middle of a heat wave and the temps are HOT! We have been over 100 degrees for a few days and have a couple of more to go. Sometimes Thor will go lay in the sun for a few minutes and other times I can't get him out the door to potty.
Yesterday I had an appointment and wanted the dogs out quickly so I could get going. Sometimes to accomplish this I will tell the dogs there is a squirrel or rabbit outside.
I tell the dogs to "go get the bunny!" and they both take off like a shot Arabella does her predictable dash for the bush. Thor on the other hand, got just past the edge of the patio and made a quick u-turn and ran back to the house with a look of "Oh Heck NO!" look. It was the funniest thing I have seen in a while!
I am so glad he still surprise me and I am glad that at 11 he is still willing to go chase a critter!
Yesterday I had an appointment and wanted the dogs out quickly so I could get going. Sometimes to accomplish this I will tell the dogs there is a squirrel or rabbit outside.
I tell the dogs to "go get the bunny!" and they both take off like a shot Arabella does her predictable dash for the bush. Thor on the other hand, got just past the edge of the patio and made a quick u-turn and ran back to the house with a look of "Oh Heck NO!" look. It was the funniest thing I have seen in a while!
I am so glad he still surprise me and I am glad that at 11 he is still willing to go chase a critter!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Vacation Time
I know it has been a while since I have been on. We have been really busy! We took a bit of a road trip vacation. If you told me in February I would be taking Thor along I would have thought you meant his ashes. That was my original plan. I was going to spread them where we spread his sister Star's, at our favorite inlet. Instead Thor went for a dip in the inlet!
Thor generally hates the water. He isn't thrilled with dew on the grass and baths are always a matter of finding the right treat to bribe with. The plan was my husband was going to stand on the shore with Thor while I took his sister Arabella for a swim. My husband called out and when I looked back Thor was right behind us. I was completely amazed! He watched Arabella swimming and tried to copy her. He never really got the hang of it and just did a funny kind of high stepping thing.
We started off in a tidal pool and the later went to the inlet/river where there were waves. Again Thor surprised me by going in! I was so proud and amazed by him. I guess he was a bit jealous of his "fishlike" sister having all the fun!
Thor generally hates the water. He isn't thrilled with dew on the grass and baths are always a matter of finding the right treat to bribe with. The plan was my husband was going to stand on the shore with Thor while I took his sister Arabella for a swim. My husband called out and when I looked back Thor was right behind us. I was completely amazed! He watched Arabella swimming and tried to copy her. He never really got the hang of it and just did a funny kind of high stepping thing.
We started off in a tidal pool and the later went to the inlet/river where there were waves. Again Thor surprised me by going in! I was so proud and amazed by him. I guess he was a bit jealous of his "fishlike" sister having all the fun!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Happy Dancing Going On!
I just got off the phone with the cardiologist with Thor's Holter results. The news is great. He only had 13 VPC's (Ventricular premature complexes or arrhythmia's) in 24 hrs! That is great news and it is about 1/3 of what he had a year ago. His medication was adjusted at that point and it seems it is right in target. I am so happy right now! Extra hugs and a cookie to both dogs in celebration! We go on vacation in three weeks and a huge weight has been lifted. I think I won't be so anxious driving with him half way across the country.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Thor in his Holter vest.
Thor is getting his annual Holter monitor. It is a 24 hour heart monitor. This is the first time he has had the vest. He has had it taped to his harness before but we changed harness styles this year. And of course he was the perfect patient.
We had to make a 2 1/2 hour drive out to Mizzou (Missouri University) to see a cardiologist as ours left the local practice. Thankfully we can mail it all back.
We had to make a 2 1/2 hour drive out to Mizzou (Missouri University) to see a cardiologist as ours left the local practice. Thankfully we can mail it all back.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thor Made to 11 Years Old!
Well today is Thor's 11th birthday! We have had a good time, too. For a boxer 11 is a big milestone. This is a milestone I was told we would not see, which makes all the more sweeter.
It has been rather warm here, so we got out in the morning. First we went to the dog park and had a grand time making new friends. Thor ran and played right along with all those dogs that were so much younger than him. It was great fun to watch.
After that we went to the "barkery" and picked out a special yummy treat. Thor picked out a dinosaur cookie, and couldn't woof it down fast enough! There wasn't so much as a crumb left!
He also got to ride around with the top down, and as previously posted we know how much he enjoys that! He, or rather we, had a good long nap after lunch. We picked up some other treats while at the barkery and is getting a few of those throughout the day as well.
It has been rather warm here, so we got out in the morning. First we went to the dog park and had a grand time making new friends. Thor ran and played right along with all those dogs that were so much younger than him. It was great fun to watch.
After that we went to the "barkery" and picked out a special yummy treat. Thor picked out a dinosaur cookie, and couldn't woof it down fast enough! There wasn't so much as a crumb left!
He also got to ride around with the top down, and as previously posted we know how much he enjoys that! He, or rather we, had a good long nap after lunch. We picked up some other treats while at the barkery and is getting a few of those throughout the day as well.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Good News
I know it has been about a week and a half since I have posted. We have been a busy household. We had company last weekend and more arrives tomorrow for two weeks.
There is good news to share! While doing Thor's ultrasound they checked out his tumor and it is, and I quote, "tiny." This is great news! And somewhat puzzling. Hemangiosarcoma is a fast growing aggressive cancer. His tumor apparently is not growing. So I am thinking it was misdiagnosed. I hope to talk to my regular vet this afternoon when I run in for a refill on Thor's thyroid pills.
Next is while doing the ultrasound, he had just a few bladder stones. This is also great news as he was full of them before. Needless to say I was doing a happy dance on Friday afternoon. I haven't had a chance to ask the vet about the cranberry capsules as he was gone for the day when I picked Thor up and I had company after that, I am hoping to get a quick moment with him today.
Thor has been full of energy and playing lots with his little sister Arabella. He did injure his front paw while playing the other night and made the most awful noise! It was between a yelp and a growl. I have never heard anything like that before and hope I never hear it again. I had them stop playing and made them lay down quietly after that. By dinner a few hours later Thor wasn't limping at all! What a relief! Thor hasn't had any pain meds in what seems at least a month and I didn't want to put him back on them.
My other "project" with him is to get him into a cardiologist. Our regular one has left the local practice and will return in 2 years after the competition clause of his contract is up. I called Kansas State College of Veterinary Medicine and they have lost their cardiologist as well. So now we have an appointment with Missouri University College of Veterinary Medicine. They don't have an opening until June 4th so I took that one. I don't have enough of his heart medication to last until then and will talk to my regular vet about just getting a one month supply to hold him over. This is not a medication that can be skipped.
All in all things are going well and everyone is happy in the Starling household! We are even looking forward to a vacation at the end of next month!
There is good news to share! While doing Thor's ultrasound they checked out his tumor and it is, and I quote, "tiny." This is great news! And somewhat puzzling. Hemangiosarcoma is a fast growing aggressive cancer. His tumor apparently is not growing. So I am thinking it was misdiagnosed. I hope to talk to my regular vet this afternoon when I run in for a refill on Thor's thyroid pills.
Next is while doing the ultrasound, he had just a few bladder stones. This is also great news as he was full of them before. Needless to say I was doing a happy dance on Friday afternoon. I haven't had a chance to ask the vet about the cranberry capsules as he was gone for the day when I picked Thor up and I had company after that, I am hoping to get a quick moment with him today.
Thor has been full of energy and playing lots with his little sister Arabella. He did injure his front paw while playing the other night and made the most awful noise! It was between a yelp and a growl. I have never heard anything like that before and hope I never hear it again. I had them stop playing and made them lay down quietly after that. By dinner a few hours later Thor wasn't limping at all! What a relief! Thor hasn't had any pain meds in what seems at least a month and I didn't want to put him back on them.
My other "project" with him is to get him into a cardiologist. Our regular one has left the local practice and will return in 2 years after the competition clause of his contract is up. I called Kansas State College of Veterinary Medicine and they have lost their cardiologist as well. So now we have an appointment with Missouri University College of Veterinary Medicine. They don't have an opening until June 4th so I took that one. I don't have enough of his heart medication to last until then and will talk to my regular vet about just getting a one month supply to hold him over. This is not a medication that can be skipped.
All in all things are going well and everyone is happy in the Starling household! We are even looking forward to a vacation at the end of next month!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Ultrasound Tomorrow
Thor is feeling much better and has been running and playing during the week. Tomorrow he is going to the vet's for an ultrasound. Not that anything new has happened, but because the staff needs training with the ultrasound machine.
Thor is basically a vet's dream patient. He will let you poke and prod him and as long as you give him some love while you do it, he is a happy boy. Well, as long as you don't touch his nose he is happy. He hates having his nose touched! He won't snap or bark, just pull away.
Since Thor is so well behaved, my vet called and asked if we would let him be their test subject. He gets a full body ultrasound and we can see if the cancer has spread for free. I of course jumped at it!
Now back to his bladder infection. Thor is doing well on the antibiotics. I was giving him yogurt to balance out any side effects of the antibiotics, but it gave him gas. Now he is just getting an acidophilus capsule instead and it is working quite well.
We got back the analysis of his bladder stones. They are 95% struvite which means he is not producing enough acid in his urine. It is usually corrected with a prescription diet, but because of Thor's history of pancreatits he cannot eat it. So my vet is now doing some research to see if there is a supplement he can take. Someone suggest apple cider vinegar in his water or cranberry capsules. I am going to check with vet tomorrow. I am hoping the capsules will be a good solution. As for the vinegar, I'm a bit leery as I don't want Arabelle to start having the opposite problem as they drink the same water.
Well, we will wait for tomorrow and see!
Thor is basically a vet's dream patient. He will let you poke and prod him and as long as you give him some love while you do it, he is a happy boy. Well, as long as you don't touch his nose he is happy. He hates having his nose touched! He won't snap or bark, just pull away.
Since Thor is so well behaved, my vet called and asked if we would let him be their test subject. He gets a full body ultrasound and we can see if the cancer has spread for free. I of course jumped at it!
Now back to his bladder infection. Thor is doing well on the antibiotics. I was giving him yogurt to balance out any side effects of the antibiotics, but it gave him gas. Now he is just getting an acidophilus capsule instead and it is working quite well.
We got back the analysis of his bladder stones. They are 95% struvite which means he is not producing enough acid in his urine. It is usually corrected with a prescription diet, but because of Thor's history of pancreatits he cannot eat it. So my vet is now doing some research to see if there is a supplement he can take. Someone suggest apple cider vinegar in his water or cranberry capsules. I am going to check with vet tomorrow. I am hoping the capsules will be a good solution. As for the vinegar, I'm a bit leery as I don't want Arabelle to start having the opposite problem as they drink the same water.
Well, we will wait for tomorrow and see!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Rough Start to the Week
Thor is due for his annual Holter monitor. It is a 24 hour heart monitor. He suffers from arrhythmia's and takes medication for it. His prescription will run out this month. I called the clinic that has done it in the past and I asked for an appointment even saying he needs this test. They told me the cardiologist is no longer with the practice but another doctor, and internist, is taking his patients for now. I'm not thrilled but he needs the test.
( A little warning this next part is going to be a bit gross.)
Monday morning I let Thor out to potty after my shower. After he comes in, I go to blow dry my hair. As I am leaning over Thor walks by and I notice blood between his back legs. (Thor had a blockage in his urethra and has been rerouted to potty like a girl.) I get a little freaked. I grab a tissue and wipe and I hear something hit the floor. I find a small off white chunk of something. I wipe Thor some more and several chunks are now in the tissue. Now I am really freaked. I am thinking, "OK, so maybe God planned for us to see the internist today."
We get there on time for our appointment, they are running behind. Not a big deal, things happen especially at a vet's office after the weekend. 30-40 minutes later we are taken to an exam room. I mention the Holter, and I am informed, they don't have any. OK, now I am getting a little ticked I just waited and I am not getting what I came for. Fine, next issue. Thor is passing stones. Well they could do the the test but it would be less expensive if my regular vet did it. OK, yes Iam glad to save the money, but it was the way they said it. It was like it was going to use their precious time up to take care of my dog. So I left there and got into see my regular vet that afternoon.
I get to my vet and explain what is going on. They run a complete blood count and chem panel on him. Which I got a copy emailed the next day. They are also sending the stones out to be analyzed to make sure it is just and infection. My vet says he believes they are just bladder stones caused by the infection.
Now for the kicker, when Thor's tumor was discovered they knew there was a bladder stone. They told me about it, but never mentioned it was caused by an infection. Don't you think this would have been something I needed to know? Granted they thought he was close to to death but they even said it could take a month. Would you want to spend your last month with a bladder infection? They also didn't mention it in the report to my regular vet. I was livid! My boy has had an infection for 2 1/2 months.
He is doing better now, no blood and no more stones. I am going to contact Kansas State University and get his Holter done through them. I do not think I want to walk into that other clinic again. It used to be great. I had a lot of confidence in them, but they changed hands a year to a year and half ago, and I don't think it is the same quality. Maybe that is why the cardiologist left. I did find out he left to open his own practice but due to a competition contract clause has to wait two years. He is practicing about 1 1/2 hours away. Even though I do like him I think I am going to go to K-State just the same.
( A little warning this next part is going to be a bit gross.)
Monday morning I let Thor out to potty after my shower. After he comes in, I go to blow dry my hair. As I am leaning over Thor walks by and I notice blood between his back legs. (Thor had a blockage in his urethra and has been rerouted to potty like a girl.) I get a little freaked. I grab a tissue and wipe and I hear something hit the floor. I find a small off white chunk of something. I wipe Thor some more and several chunks are now in the tissue. Now I am really freaked. I am thinking, "OK, so maybe God planned for us to see the internist today."
We get there on time for our appointment, they are running behind. Not a big deal, things happen especially at a vet's office after the weekend. 30-40 minutes later we are taken to an exam room. I mention the Holter, and I am informed, they don't have any. OK, now I am getting a little ticked I just waited and I am not getting what I came for. Fine, next issue. Thor is passing stones. Well they could do the the test but it would be less expensive if my regular vet did it. OK, yes Iam glad to save the money, but it was the way they said it. It was like it was going to use their precious time up to take care of my dog. So I left there and got into see my regular vet that afternoon.
I get to my vet and explain what is going on. They run a complete blood count and chem panel on him. Which I got a copy emailed the next day. They are also sending the stones out to be analyzed to make sure it is just and infection. My vet says he believes they are just bladder stones caused by the infection.
Now for the kicker, when Thor's tumor was discovered they knew there was a bladder stone. They told me about it, but never mentioned it was caused by an infection. Don't you think this would have been something I needed to know? Granted they thought he was close to to death but they even said it could take a month. Would you want to spend your last month with a bladder infection? They also didn't mention it in the report to my regular vet. I was livid! My boy has had an infection for 2 1/2 months.
He is doing better now, no blood and no more stones. I am going to contact Kansas State University and get his Holter done through them. I do not think I want to walk into that other clinic again. It used to be great. I had a lot of confidence in them, but they changed hands a year to a year and half ago, and I don't think it is the same quality. Maybe that is why the cardiologist left. I did find out he left to open his own practice but due to a competition contract clause has to wait two years. He is practicing about 1 1/2 hours away. Even though I do like him I think I am going to go to K-State just the same.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Feeling Better
Well Thor has been playing again. The last few days while we were outside he did a few quick runs. As well as played with Arabella after dinner last night. So I am feeling better about his health.
He also has a vet appointment on Monday. He is due to see his cardiologist but when I called to make an appointment I was informed he was no longer with that practice of specialists. They also haven't gotten a new cardiologist at this point. So he will be seeing an internist. I'm taking that as a good sign for now. The cardiologist would just be putting a Holter monitor on and then sending of the readings to be read else where. He may also do an echo-cardiogram. The internist can do that as well. They might also may be more mindful of the tumor.
In the mean time Thor's appetite is great. He seems to have figured out with little effort I will give in and give him a treat. Along with that treat he also gets a hug and a kiss. There's nothing like positive reinforcement!
He also has a vet appointment on Monday. He is due to see his cardiologist but when I called to make an appointment I was informed he was no longer with that practice of specialists. They also haven't gotten a new cardiologist at this point. So he will be seeing an internist. I'm taking that as a good sign for now. The cardiologist would just be putting a Holter monitor on and then sending of the readings to be read else where. He may also do an echo-cardiogram. The internist can do that as well. They might also may be more mindful of the tumor.
In the mean time Thor's appetite is great. He seems to have figured out with little effort I will give in and give him a treat. Along with that treat he also gets a hug and a kiss. There's nothing like positive reinforcement!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Finally Back In!
I am so sorry it has taken so long to post. I had a log in snafu that seems corrected now! Whew! So where to begin.....
I know it has been two weeks and our household has been through somethings. We have been remodeling an old home that we had rented, it is finally done and on the market. (Thank God!) I had to go over there and spent quite a bit of time and was leaving the dogs home everyday. Thor seems to be slowing down and it has concerned me. One day my husband calls me and tells I need to come home NOW! I of course start to freak. I ask if Thor is OK, and it a very pleasant voice tells me Thor is fine. It was that the weather was getting nasty and he didn't want me driving in it. If I could have reached through the phone, I think I may have strangled him.
Since the house is now done, I have been staying home a lot more. I have noticed Thor isn't running or playing much. It has me concerned. Last Saturday, I don't know if I was being a bit over anxious or not. He seemed "off". He would sleep some and then he would just sit and watch me. I was trying to catch up on all the housework that I have fallen behind on. He wasn't acting like he was in pain, but he just wasn't quite himself.
My husband and I were suppose to go to a concert that night, and I was really getting worried about leaving him. We were going to be gone 6 hrs. I found a dog sitter/walker that could come in and give him his medicine at 7:30 so I had someone checking up on him midway through the evening. I still was worried. I had gotten the Chinese herbal supplement, bayaio yunnan, but haven't talked to the vet about it yet. I took a leap of faith and gave it to him. It was early afternoon. I figured if it was going to have a negative effect on him I would know before I left, which it didn't.
I don't know if it had a positive effect, or I was imagining it did, to make myself feel better about going. He did seem a bit more relaxed by the time we left. Now I have to decide if it was just me, or if it really did improve things. And if it did improve things what are the implications. Has he started to bleed? Do I need to be giving him this everyday? If so how much?
Sigh...It is so hard to know what to do. I just hope and pray I make the right choices. I love my boy so much.
I know it has been two weeks and our household has been through somethings. We have been remodeling an old home that we had rented, it is finally done and on the market. (Thank God!) I had to go over there and spent quite a bit of time and was leaving the dogs home everyday. Thor seems to be slowing down and it has concerned me. One day my husband calls me and tells I need to come home NOW! I of course start to freak. I ask if Thor is OK, and it a very pleasant voice tells me Thor is fine. It was that the weather was getting nasty and he didn't want me driving in it. If I could have reached through the phone, I think I may have strangled him.
Since the house is now done, I have been staying home a lot more. I have noticed Thor isn't running or playing much. It has me concerned. Last Saturday, I don't know if I was being a bit over anxious or not. He seemed "off". He would sleep some and then he would just sit and watch me. I was trying to catch up on all the housework that I have fallen behind on. He wasn't acting like he was in pain, but he just wasn't quite himself.
My husband and I were suppose to go to a concert that night, and I was really getting worried about leaving him. We were going to be gone 6 hrs. I found a dog sitter/walker that could come in and give him his medicine at 7:30 so I had someone checking up on him midway through the evening. I still was worried. I had gotten the Chinese herbal supplement, bayaio yunnan, but haven't talked to the vet about it yet. I took a leap of faith and gave it to him. It was early afternoon. I figured if it was going to have a negative effect on him I would know before I left, which it didn't.
I don't know if it had a positive effect, or I was imagining it did, to make myself feel better about going. He did seem a bit more relaxed by the time we left. Now I have to decide if it was just me, or if it really did improve things. And if it did improve things what are the implications. Has he started to bleed? Do I need to be giving him this everyday? If so how much?
Sigh...It is so hard to know what to do. I just hope and pray I make the right choices. I love my boy so much.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Staying the Course
Thor is still doing well. Still active and eating well. He is coming due for is annual cardiac exam. I thought for all of two seconds about skipping it. My concern is I know he will have to wear a Holter monitor for 24 hrs and that means being taped around his belly. The cardiologist is in the same office as the internist so I am sure they can come up with a safe way to tape him.
Plus I want to talk to him about a Chinese herbal supplement I found that promotes clotting, bayaio yunnan. I want to make sure it will not effect Thor's heart or his medication in any way if given daily. Or even if I just give it when there is a small bleed. I don't want to trade one problem for another.
I am also unfortunately going to have push back his appointment a week or so. Our a/c sprung a leak and had to be replaced. That was $3000 I wasn't planning on spending and the budget is beyond tight this month. (Actually for the next few months to make up for that big of a ding.) I just hope I can keep the option of pushing it back. It has been eight weeks since we found out about the tumor and he is still doing well. I just hope that doesn't change.
Plus I want to talk to him about a Chinese herbal supplement I found that promotes clotting, bayaio yunnan. I want to make sure it will not effect Thor's heart or his medication in any way if given daily. Or even if I just give it when there is a small bleed. I don't want to trade one problem for another.
I am also unfortunately going to have push back his appointment a week or so. Our a/c sprung a leak and had to be replaced. That was $3000 I wasn't planning on spending and the budget is beyond tight this month. (Actually for the next few months to make up for that big of a ding.) I just hope I can keep the option of pushing it back. It has been eight weeks since we found out about the tumor and he is still doing well. I just hope that doesn't change.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Being the overprotective '"mom" I went running this morning when I heard a whine. I jumped up, ran around the corner and there both my dogs just started staring at me like I am crazy! Arabella had a toy hanging from her mouth and Thor was whining because he wanted it. So then I just go back to my desk, sit down and feel three things all at once. Relieved! My boy was okay. Stupid, for being over-reactive. Finally, Happiness! My two playing always just makes me smile! If you have ever seen two dogs, especially boxers, play, you understand.
Thor has been particularly frisky this week and I am doing my best to enjoy every minute of it. I am also doing my best to put my fears of him rupturing the tumor on the back burner. I am trying to apply a quote from Jimmy Buffet to Thor. "I'd rather die while I'm living, then live while I'm dead." (from Growing Older, Not Up.) I am guessing since the only singer I have quoted on this blog is Jimmy Buffet, you may have figured out I am a bit of a parrothead.
Thor has been particularly frisky this week and I am doing my best to enjoy every minute of it. I am also doing my best to put my fears of him rupturing the tumor on the back burner. I am trying to apply a quote from Jimmy Buffet to Thor. "I'd rather die while I'm living, then live while I'm dead." (from Growing Older, Not Up.) I am guessing since the only singer I have quoted on this blog is Jimmy Buffet, you may have figured out I am a bit of a parrothead.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Spring has Returned
I mean that in two different ways. First, the weather is cooler and the April showers are on their way. Second is the spring in Thor's step! It was about 60* when I let him and his li'l sis, Arabella out this morning. He was just full of energy and was running around like a two year old! Every time Arabella stopped, he went right back at her, chasing her. Thor has this move I call the "Thornado". In his younger days he would jump up and do a 360. Now with age it is two 180's, but still impressive. My nearly 11 year old boy was out doing his "Thornado" this morning. By the time I thought to go in and get my camera to film it, he was done. I've never gotten that on film, and would love to have it. It is suppose to be cooler all week so I will keep my camera ready!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
I think Summer is Going to be Early.....
Thor has been a bit lazy the last few days, but it has been warm. We're suppose to be near 90 degrees today. It is way to early for that much heat! He is in good spirits though, lots of nubber wiggles and cuddles. And the heat hasn't seemed to effect his appetite any. I've had to cut it back his food a bit because it looked like he was gaining a little too much weight.
I hope I am not jinxing myself, but I can't believe we went through the whole month of March without either dog needing to go to the vet. That seems to be an amazing feat in my house. I hope we can keep up that up until there next scheduled visits at the end of June.
I have done some research and came across a chinese herbal supplement, yunnan paiyao, which is suppose to stop bleeds. When I went to the local Asian market, they were out, but will stop in this week and see if it has come in. I still would like to consult with a holistic vet. I have a lot going on right now and can never seem to remember to call during office hours. Hopefully things will slow down a bit after this week.
I hope I am not jinxing myself, but I can't believe we went through the whole month of March without either dog needing to go to the vet. That seems to be an amazing feat in my house. I hope we can keep up that up until there next scheduled visits at the end of June.
I have done some research and came across a chinese herbal supplement, yunnan paiyao, which is suppose to stop bleeds. When I went to the local Asian market, they were out, but will stop in this week and see if it has come in. I still would like to consult with a holistic vet. I have a lot going on right now and can never seem to remember to call during office hours. Hopefully things will slow down a bit after this week.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Life is a Little More Normal
Wow I can't believe I haven't been on for a whole week! It seems that our life is taking on a pre-tumor sense to it. I am not as frantic with the "what ifs" as I was when we started this part of our journey, however I am still aware there maybe no tomorrow for my boy.
The sun has finally come back out and we have been outside getting a little bit if it. It has been 6 weeks since we got the news of the tumor and Thor is doing well. The little girls next door were reaching through the fence petting him a couple of days ago. Thor is all about the love! I believe the girls are 2 and 4 and you would think a dog as big as Thor (he's 80 lbs.) would scare them. Not my boy! He is always so gentle with small children.
The sun has finally come back out and we have been outside getting a little bit if it. It has been 6 weeks since we got the news of the tumor and Thor is doing well. The little girls next door were reaching through the fence petting him a couple of days ago. Thor is all about the love! I believe the girls are 2 and 4 and you would think a dog as big as Thor (he's 80 lbs.) would scare them. Not my boy! He is always so gentle with small children.
Monday, March 19, 2012
April Showers in March
It seems we are getting our "April showers" a bit early this year. It is suppose to be raining off and on for the next 3 days. Thor is doing well. No pain meds for his arthritis so far as the temps have been fairly warm. I hope we can keep him off them. I don't want them to mask any issues that may come up.
Last night my husband was playing with tug-of-war with Arabella and Thor jumped right in! He would grab on to they toy or he would just bark to let them know he wanted to play too. Thor and Arabella also took off chasing one another around the dining room table. My husband was amazed at how fast Thor runs! Even if Thor didn't have the tumor he is, pushing 11 yrs of age (May 24th) , and suffers from arthritis. Quick is not a word one would think to describe him, but he sure is! He just doesn't go as long as he used to. It does my heart good to the spunk still there.
Last night my husband was playing with tug-of-war with Arabella and Thor jumped right in! He would grab on to they toy or he would just bark to let them know he wanted to play too. Thor and Arabella also took off chasing one another around the dining room table. My husband was amazed at how fast Thor runs! Even if Thor didn't have the tumor he is, pushing 11 yrs of age (May 24th) , and suffers from arthritis. Quick is not a word one would think to describe him, but he sure is! He just doesn't go as long as he used to. It does my heart good to the spunk still there.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy St Patricks Day!
We are having some "Emerald Isle" weather today, a bit cooler and damp. So Thor had to take a pain pill this morning, but that was for his arthritis. He is doing great. Yesterday I had to leave him for several hours while I went to work over at house we used as a rental and are getting ready to put it on the market. I was so nervous. My husband was home with him, but it really didn't help much with my nerves. It was all well and good. Everyone did fine. Today I have to do it again. (sigh) Again, I just don't like being away from my boy. I am sure everything will be alright. Since I gave him a pain pill and it is an overcast day, I am sure he will probably sleep all day. I just hope things go smoothly for me so I can come home quicker.
In honor of St Paddy's Day, an Irish blessing.
May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”
In honor of St Paddy's Day, an Irish blessing.
May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer.”
Thursday, March 15, 2012
A Bit of a Scare This Morning....
The day started out great. It was warm and very spring-like. Thor was up and raring to go! He drank quite a bit of water before bed last night and I am kind of surprised he didn't wake me up during the night to go out. Instead he woke me this morning, (he even let me sleep in a bit.) and was doing the potty dance. I swear he was racing me down the stairs! He went out did his thing, came back in and ate his breakfast. Awhile later I was brushing my teeth and Thor who had just drank some water started to gag. I could see his side just tense up. Then he just froze. He would not move. When I called him he raised his eyes, but not his head. I go over and give him a hug and a few gentle pats on his back. I was hoping he just had an air bubble stuck. He kind of coughed and then laid down.
At this point I am really scared. My husband called about this time asking him if I was going to meet him for lunch. NO. I tell him what happened and tell him I am staying home. I was about to jump in the shower when this all started. After awhile Thor seem some better, so I jump in. Normally while I am in there Thor lays down in the bathroom. As I finish up, no Thor. I jump out and start searching for him. He is in the office napping. When I find him and he wakes I get one of those "What?" looks. So he is better. I finish drying off and get dress. By this time it is coming up on his lunch time. Again racing down the stairs. So I guess it was just an air bubble, but man I was scared!
He is doing fine now. I had to go to the bank and the post office today, so again he got to go for a ride with the top down. And again had his picture taken, and made people smile. So even though we had a bit of a rough part of the day, it is thankfully all good now! (whew!)
At this point I am really scared. My husband called about this time asking him if I was going to meet him for lunch. NO. I tell him what happened and tell him I am staying home. I was about to jump in the shower when this all started. After awhile Thor seem some better, so I jump in. Normally while I am in there Thor lays down in the bathroom. As I finish up, no Thor. I jump out and start searching for him. He is in the office napping. When I find him and he wakes I get one of those "What?" looks. So he is better. I finish drying off and get dress. By this time it is coming up on his lunch time. Again racing down the stairs. So I guess it was just an air bubble, but man I was scared!
He is doing fine now. I had to go to the bank and the post office today, so again he got to go for a ride with the top down. And again had his picture taken, and made people smile. So even though we had a bit of a rough part of the day, it is thankfully all good now! (whew!)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Thor loves a car ride!
Thor loves a car ride, a photo by gatorblu on Flickr.
We have had some great weather and Thor has been feeling good. So when I had places to go and things to do I put the top down, put the doggles on the pups, and away we went! Thor especially loves car rides. I think he likes all the attention he gets at the red lights. People are always commenting on how cute he is, or they are taking his picture. Arabella doesn't seem to like the wind much and just lays down. She only pops up when she hears people talking. Wherever we go you see people look and start to smile. It is a good feeling to make others smile. Thor has always been good at making others smile. He is just a charmer.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Past the Expiration Date
A month ago the vet told we would have "maybe a month". That was the emergency vet. My regular vet told me not to think like that. He had client that lived two years after diagnosis. We have had a few days that were a bit scary, but most days have been good.
Yesterday was an off day, and I suspect Thor may have had a small bleed. He was avoiding the stairs and was sleeping alot. We spent most of our time on the main level of the house or outside. But by 2 am he was ready to go upstairs and climb in bed. Once in bed he snuggled close to me. I love when he does this, unfortunately he usually only does this when he isn't feeling well. When he was younger he used to sleep in the crook of my knees. I would be on my side and my first girl Star would be snuggled against my belly. I was like the stuffing in a boxer oreo. When we got Arabella it threw everything off.
Today Thor seems to be doing better. We are going to take advantage of the warm spring weather. I have to go out and I am going to take him and Arabella for a ride with the top down.
Yesterday was an off day, and I suspect Thor may have had a small bleed. He was avoiding the stairs and was sleeping alot. We spent most of our time on the main level of the house or outside. But by 2 am he was ready to go upstairs and climb in bed. Once in bed he snuggled close to me. I love when he does this, unfortunately he usually only does this when he isn't feeling well. When he was younger he used to sleep in the crook of my knees. I would be on my side and my first girl Star would be snuggled against my belly. I was like the stuffing in a boxer oreo. When we got Arabella it threw everything off.
Today Thor seems to be doing better. We are going to take advantage of the warm spring weather. I have to go out and I am going to take him and Arabella for a ride with the top down.
Monday, March 12, 2012
4 Weeks and Counting
Well it has been four weeks since Thor was diagnosed. He is still happy and alert, and hungry. The rain has moved on and today is going to be in the 70's, tomorrow in the 80's. I think we will spend sometime outside doing yard work and getting some sun.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
A Cool Rainy Day
Today is a bit rainy and cooler, so Thor is back on pain meds for his arthritis, but he went two and a half days without them. He has slept a lot in the last two days, but other than that seems alert and still has a great appetite. Arabella was trying to get him to play earlier and he didn't want any part of it. She finally wore herself out running around with her new squeaky toy, and is napping as well.
I am a bit....I don't know, nervous, maybe trepidatious would be a better word, about the next few days. When we originally left the e-vet, they gave Thor one month at the most. Tuesday will be one month. I see no blatant signs that he won't make it past then, but I am also totally aware how quickly things can change. So we move on, carefully, one day at a time.
I am a bit....I don't know, nervous, maybe trepidatious would be a better word, about the next few days. When we originally left the e-vet, they gave Thor one month at the most. Tuesday will be one month. I see no blatant signs that he won't make it past then, but I am also totally aware how quickly things can change. So we move on, carefully, one day at a time.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Another good day!
Spring is definitely approaching as the temps are a bit warmer and there are buds on the trees. I think Thor is even feeling the spring coming on. He has been very energetic and peppy. He'll run for short bursts while outside. Today is also the first day he gone without any pain meds. I hope he can maintain this for a good long while.
I went to a local holistic pet store today and got a couple of business cards for holistic vets. I was researching online and saw several articles and a couple of blogs where yunnan paiyao (or baiyao) was used to clot the blood. I am going to check into seeing if it is an option for Thor. When they did the x-rays and ultrasounds they only found one tumor, so it is not like his body is riddled with cancer. Most often hemangiosarcoma spreads quickly and aggressively. For the size of Thor's tumor they really expected to find more. Thankfully they didn't. I just want to give him the best chance for a happy and pain free remainder to his life.
I went to a local holistic pet store today and got a couple of business cards for holistic vets. I was researching online and saw several articles and a couple of blogs where yunnan paiyao (or baiyao) was used to clot the blood. I am going to check into seeing if it is an option for Thor. When they did the x-rays and ultrasounds they only found one tumor, so it is not like his body is riddled with cancer. Most often hemangiosarcoma spreads quickly and aggressively. For the size of Thor's tumor they really expected to find more. Thankfully they didn't. I just want to give him the best chance for a happy and pain free remainder to his life.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Feeling Great!
Thor has been doing great! He is so full of energy. Last night Arabella was teasing him with a toy. I let the play go until the "boxing" started. After several "that's enough" commands, Thor changed tactics. He went to the toy box and grabbed an antler and showed it to Arabella. Now an antler beats a wubba, and Arabella who been victorious with the wubba, wasn't feeling her "win" anymore. She dropped the wubba and went after the antler. Again as soon as the first paw went up, I shot out a command. However this time I said "easy". When they both stopped to look me, Arabella was a little quicker to recover the play. She latched on to the end of the antler that was hanging out. The two of them played tug-o-war with the antler. It really did my heart good to watch it. Thor came out the winner and went to lie down to chew on it. All Arabella could do was watch and pout. (She is good at pouting.)
This bout of play, even though it made me a bit anxious, was two fold on why it made me so happy. The first you know about, Thor and his tumor and still living a good life. The second is a little over a month ago Arabella was suffering from "Drop Jaw" or trigeminal neuritis. She couldn't close her mouth. This made something as simple and necessary as eating a challenge. She has come a long way to be able to grip something hard enough to play tug-o-war!
Thor is still feeling energetic this morning and is all wiggles. I gave him some canned salmon with his meals yesterday and I was worried it might upset his tummy. It hasn't, not one bit. Arabella on the other hand has some gurgling going on. No more salmon for her, but I think I will continue to give it to Thor. I think the extra protein is doing him good. I know I really can't base too much of his increase in energy to one day of salmon. However unless I see something to the contrary, I am sticking with it.
This bout of play, even though it made me a bit anxious, was two fold on why it made me so happy. The first you know about, Thor and his tumor and still living a good life. The second is a little over a month ago Arabella was suffering from "Drop Jaw" or trigeminal neuritis. She couldn't close her mouth. This made something as simple and necessary as eating a challenge. She has come a long way to be able to grip something hard enough to play tug-o-war!
Thor is still feeling energetic this morning and is all wiggles. I gave him some canned salmon with his meals yesterday and I was worried it might upset his tummy. It hasn't, not one bit. Arabella on the other hand has some gurgling going on. No more salmon for her, but I think I will continue to give it to Thor. I think the extra protein is doing him good. I know I really can't base too much of his increase in energy to one day of salmon. However unless I see something to the contrary, I am sticking with it.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Chasing Rabbits
Last night I let the dogs out for their potty break. They took off running for the back corner chasing a rabbit. I am glad they are not good at it. They went to the right of the arbor and the rabbit came out the left and ran the length of our fence and was out under the gate before the dogs had a clue as to what happened!
It does my heart good to see Thor do normal dog things. I just worry what will be too much. I have decided I will let him run short distances, but no jumping allowed. I swear he is hungrier than ever. I don't know if that is good or bad. I am know it is better than not being hungry at all. I am not normally one that over thinks or over worries, so this is all new to me. I keep wondering if I am reading too much into something or if I am not reading enough, or if I am even reading it right. Ugh! All I can do pray I am doing everything that is best for my boy.
It does my heart good to see Thor do normal dog things. I just worry what will be too much. I have decided I will let him run short distances, but no jumping allowed. I swear he is hungrier than ever. I don't know if that is good or bad. I am know it is better than not being hungry at all. I am not normally one that over thinks or over worries, so this is all new to me. I keep wondering if I am reading too much into something or if I am not reading enough, or if I am even reading it right. Ugh! All I can do pray I am doing everything that is best for my boy.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
It's a Windy Day!
Thor is feeling better today! (And I am breathing easier.) He seemed to have perked up around his 4pm feeding yesterday.
It is a very windy day and it has him and Arabella a bit on edge. It doesn't take much to put Arabella on edge, that is just the way she is. Thor on the other hand, has been through several hurricanes and has an issue with wind since then. I can't say I blame him. Walking a dog in a hurricane isn't any fun, for you, or the dog! Especially if your dog doesn't even like a normal rain shower!
So with the wind blowing, we are hanging close to each other today. Not that I mind. I love having my little wiggle butts close. It allows me a few more hugs. :)
It is a very windy day and it has him and Arabella a bit on edge. It doesn't take much to put Arabella on edge, that is just the way she is. Thor on the other hand, has been through several hurricanes and has an issue with wind since then. I can't say I blame him. Walking a dog in a hurricane isn't any fun, for you, or the dog! Especially if your dog doesn't even like a normal rain shower!
So with the wind blowing, we are hanging close to each other today. Not that I mind. I love having my little wiggle butts close. It allows me a few more hugs. :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Thor has me a little concerned today. He seems a bit mopey and a bit clingy. I need to run a couple of errands and have put them off. I'll wait until my husband comes home.
It has been three weeks since we found out about the tumor, and all in all things are going well. I wonder if I am being hyper-aware to Thor's moods, and reading more into them then I should. I guess it really doesn't matter, as I don't see me doing anything any different at this point.
It has been three weeks since we found out about the tumor, and all in all things are going well. I wonder if I am being hyper-aware to Thor's moods, and reading more into them then I should. I guess it really doesn't matter, as I don't see me doing anything any different at this point.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Thor is doing great, me..not so much
I threw my back out first thing yesterday morning while feeding the dogs. So I spent the day on the couch. My husband took care of the dogs and me all day. (Yeah, I got one of the good ones.) Thor came over several times during the day to check on me and give a hug or a kiss. Thor doesn't give out a lot of kisses, so you know he is really feeling bad for you when he gives them without being asked! I took an Aleve as soon as it happened and within an hour took a muscle relaxer and stayed on the couch for the day. Repeated the meds to let me sleep through the night. Today I already feel much better, but I will be very careful. Thor is staying by my side. He is such a good boy and I love him so much! Arabella on the other hand, just wants to play. Thankfully my husband has been keeping her busy. She did try to climb onto the sofa with me in the middle of the night and I had to kick her off. The look I got for that would break your heart! We are all just quietly enjoying one another today, and hopefully I can start getting back into our rountine in the next day or two.
Friday, March 2, 2012
What a difference a day makes!
So glad we took advantage of yesterday's weather as it was snowing this morning! The sun is back out but it is about 25* cooler than yesterday. Thor is doing well but has had a lazy day. My husband had today off and of course that meant extra treats. Once Thor heard that word he was front and center so nothing is getting by him!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
A Ragtop Day
Thor was having a good day, plus it is warm and sunny. So it had to be a ragtop day! Thor loves to ride with the top down, and it was just too nice of a day to deny him that! Okay, so he would prefer not to wear the doggles, but safety comes first! I know I have posted my concerns about him getting in and out of the car, but beautiful days like this are few and far between this time of year. I figured I better take advantage of this weather while I can. It's the days like these that I cherish the most!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
A Rough Night
Yesterday started out a normal day. Thor was doing fine. It was sunny in the morning and he had his normal pep. The weather got cloudier and Thor was sleeping, which is normal. Then in early evening he seemed to be asking for treats. A little unusual, but I just assumed he has learned he can ask for extra treats and get them. Then soon after he ate his dinner he was still asking for treats. Then I noticed some drooling. He looked a bit nauseaus. This scared me! His upset tummy is what started the bleeding two weeks before. I quickly got some pepcid in him and that helped.
The weather got worse and a tornado warning was issued for the next county, and the storm was heading our way. This of course added to my anxiety. Instead of going straight to bed I stayed downstairs until the stormed passed. Thankfully, the tornado warning lapsed without incident and the echo on the radar dissapated before it hit our town. Thor was sleeping very soundly by then and I hated waking him to go up stairs, but up we went. About the time I finally dozed off Thor was up. His tummy was still bothering him.
I got him to lay back down and I got him some yogurt. That seemd to do the trick. He settled down around 1am and slept through the night. I of course did not. It was after 3am before I fell asleep, and I woke up everytime one of the dogs moved. Thor was up by 7:45. Needless to say I am a bit grouchy today.
Thor seems to be fine today. I think the new treats he got may not be the best for him. So no more of those. Plus I think we will be taking a nap this afternoon.
On a side note, my prayers go out to those who lost their homes and loved ones.
The weather got worse and a tornado warning was issued for the next county, and the storm was heading our way. This of course added to my anxiety. Instead of going straight to bed I stayed downstairs until the stormed passed. Thankfully, the tornado warning lapsed without incident and the echo on the radar dissapated before it hit our town. Thor was sleeping very soundly by then and I hated waking him to go up stairs, but up we went. About the time I finally dozed off Thor was up. His tummy was still bothering him.
I got him to lay back down and I got him some yogurt. That seemd to do the trick. He settled down around 1am and slept through the night. I of course did not. It was after 3am before I fell asleep, and I woke up everytime one of the dogs moved. Thor was up by 7:45. Needless to say I am a bit grouchy today.
Thor seems to be fine today. I think the new treats he got may not be the best for him. So no more of those. Plus I think we will be taking a nap this afternoon.
On a side note, my prayers go out to those who lost their homes and loved ones.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Two Weeks In
Well it was two weeks ago today we got the ugly news about the tumor. That day when the emergency vet told me it would be just a few days to a few weeks or a month. I was getting the feeling that I really should be preparing more for the short end of that prediction. Thankfully that is not what has happened.
Thor is doing well. He still has plenty of appetite and has decided that there is now two treat times added to his feeding schedule. Because of his pancreas issues he is fed 4 times a day; 8am, noon, 4 pm, and 8pm, plus a cookie at bedtime. Thor has now decided he should get a cookie at 2pm and 6pm. I swear around these times he will whine. When I ask him what he wants he leads me to the kitchen and sits and stares at the cabinet with his treats in it.
At first he was getting LOTS of extra treats, but we have now slowed down. He has gained a few pounds, and I am actually happy for that, but I don't want him to gain too much and put added stress on his joints. We are back to that balancing act. This time between spoiling him and keeping him healthy. I want whatever days he has left to be happy and joyful, but I don't think being overweight will serve him well. So at this point many of those extra treats are 1/2 cookies.
I am thankful for the extra time we have had and am praying for more. I know so many people have not had this luxury and that we are truly blessed.
Thor is doing well. He still has plenty of appetite and has decided that there is now two treat times added to his feeding schedule. Because of his pancreas issues he is fed 4 times a day; 8am, noon, 4 pm, and 8pm, plus a cookie at bedtime. Thor has now decided he should get a cookie at 2pm and 6pm. I swear around these times he will whine. When I ask him what he wants he leads me to the kitchen and sits and stares at the cabinet with his treats in it.
At first he was getting LOTS of extra treats, but we have now slowed down. He has gained a few pounds, and I am actually happy for that, but I don't want him to gain too much and put added stress on his joints. We are back to that balancing act. This time between spoiling him and keeping him healthy. I want whatever days he has left to be happy and joyful, but I don't think being overweight will serve him well. So at this point many of those extra treats are 1/2 cookies.
I am thankful for the extra time we have had and am praying for more. I know so many people have not had this luxury and that we are truly blessed.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A Slow Lazy Sunday
Today has been one of rest. I don't know if Thor is resting more because I am, or if he needs it. Either way we have both been laying around today. His appitite is good and his energy seems good when he is outside to potty, so I am chosing to believe he is being lazy because he wants to be next to me while I am being lazy. He has always been a "mama's boy" and is almost always found near me. My other dogs would always run to my husband at the drop of a hat, but not my Thor. Well now he is now sitting and staring at me whining, so he definitely wants something. I always take that as a good sign. So off I go to give him whatever he wants!
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Thor has been feeling really well! If I didn't know better I would assume he was as healthy as can be! He is sleeping less. He is bright, alert and wanting to keep up with whatever I am doing. My husband and I finally put together my new office and Thor and Arabella both thought this was somethng they had to help with!
After doing more research online, I found that fish oil and glucosamine can not be given at the same time. It apparently can cause bleeding. The one thing I don't want to happen! So I am introducing the glucosamine/chondroitin supplement slowly giving, Thor's body time to process out the effects of the fish oil.
So we are doing well for now. I hope it stays that way. :)
After doing more research online, I found that fish oil and glucosamine can not be given at the same time. It apparently can cause bleeding. The one thing I don't want to happen! So I am introducing the glucosamine/chondroitin supplement slowly giving, Thor's body time to process out the effects of the fish oil.
So we are doing well for now. I hope it stays that way. :)
Friday, February 24, 2012
A Brighter Day
The sun is back out today, though it is a bit colder, it is also a bit brighter inside. Thor is feeling better! He and Arabella were playing keep away with a toy last night. That always does my heart good, right up to the point I have to stop them because they start boxing. I would love to let them go at it, but I just can't risk it.
Even this morning Thor seems have more pep. When he came in from doing his "business", he was trotting. Of course he may have been doing that to get out of the cold quicker. The wind chill was in the low 20's. (shiver..)
As I said yesterday I needed to find something to replace the fish oil to help his joints. I went to a local holistic pet food store. All the joint supplements have flavoring to make them tasty, but that also adds fat. As I may have mentioned before Thor suffers from chronic pancreatitis, so I watch every bit of fat that enters his body. The sales person suggested I try human supplements. So down the street I went. I found one brand that is fat free, sugar free, and one tablet takes care of his daily dose. It would take three tablets for the dog supplement. The bottle had more tablets and it cost less. That is a win/win all the way around!
Even this morning Thor seems have more pep. When he came in from doing his "business", he was trotting. Of course he may have been doing that to get out of the cold quicker. The wind chill was in the low 20's. (shiver..)
As I said yesterday I needed to find something to replace the fish oil to help his joints. I went to a local holistic pet food store. All the joint supplements have flavoring to make them tasty, but that also adds fat. As I may have mentioned before Thor suffers from chronic pancreatitis, so I watch every bit of fat that enters his body. The sales person suggested I try human supplements. So down the street I went. I found one brand that is fat free, sugar free, and one tablet takes care of his daily dose. It would take three tablets for the dog supplement. The bottle had more tablets and it cost less. That is a win/win all the way around!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
A Worrisom Day
Yesterday was a worrisom day. Thor slept a lot. When he first diagnosed I was told if he gets lethargic and just lays around it is a sign of a slow bleed. So we spent the day resting and are continuing that today as much as possible.
Thor's appetite is still right on and he lets me know when it is feeding time. That is a good sign. Plus even though he was laying around he still showed interest in some chew toys. We have a rubber stick that he was chewing on for a while in the afternoon and in the evening he was chewing away on an antler. I am taking those as good signs.
I was looking up some info on fish oil yesterday, when I came across something I had never read about it before. It thins the blood and if you give to your dog, or of you take it youself, it should be stopped before having surgery. This hit me a bit hard. I give Thor fish oil to help with his arthritis. It really has done well for him. Now I have to stop it as I want the tumor to clot. I am fortunate to live near a holistic pet food store and I will go in and see what they have to offer.
So we are still moving on to the next day.....
Thor's appetite is still right on and he lets me know when it is feeding time. That is a good sign. Plus even though he was laying around he still showed interest in some chew toys. We have a rubber stick that he was chewing on for a while in the afternoon and in the evening he was chewing away on an antler. I am taking those as good signs.
I was looking up some info on fish oil yesterday, when I came across something I had never read about it before. It thins the blood and if you give to your dog, or of you take it youself, it should be stopped before having surgery. This hit me a bit hard. I give Thor fish oil to help with his arthritis. It really has done well for him. Now I have to stop it as I want the tumor to clot. I am fortunate to live near a holistic pet food store and I will go in and see what they have to offer.
So we are still moving on to the next day.....
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Balancing Act
The weather is warming up, at least for a few days. My pups love it when it is the 50's and that was yesterday. I opened the door to let them out to potty and Thor just started to bounce around. This where the balancing act comes in. I love to watch Thor jump and play! He is a senior boy, who suffers from arthritis, so the "bouncy days" are fewer than they used to be. Now we basically have a "time bomb" sitting in my boy's belly. How much bouncing can it take? How much fun do I let him have? I can't expect him to just lay around all day everyday. That just wouldn't be fair.
We also have rabbits visit our yard nightly. My dogs assume they are there to play chase. So as soon as I open the door at night, the chase is on! I have learned to make them sit, then I step outside, and then I let them out. This seems to slow the dogs down somewhat, at least to a point I am more comfortable. I really wish I could just let them run. A boxer on a full out run is a one happy pup! I don't want to take Thor's joy away. I want him to enjoy whatever time he has left.
Keeping Thor calm is also effecting Arabella. She isn't allowed to box and play keep away with her brother. She is a very active pup! Trying to keep her amused while keeping Thor calm is another balancing act. We play fetch with her tennis ball several times a day. We even play inside from one floor to another so she has to run up and down the stairs to wear her out faster. I would love to take her for long walks, as we both need the exercise, but Thor can't do that. Even before we knew about the tumor, he couldn't do that because of his arthritis. Now I don't want to take just Arabella, because I don't want to leave Thor home alone. So our walks are on hold for now.
The bright side of all this balancing is that I have a boy who feels well enough to play. For that I am very thankful!
We also have rabbits visit our yard nightly. My dogs assume they are there to play chase. So as soon as I open the door at night, the chase is on! I have learned to make them sit, then I step outside, and then I let them out. This seems to slow the dogs down somewhat, at least to a point I am more comfortable. I really wish I could just let them run. A boxer on a full out run is a one happy pup! I don't want to take Thor's joy away. I want him to enjoy whatever time he has left.
Keeping Thor calm is also effecting Arabella. She isn't allowed to box and play keep away with her brother. She is a very active pup! Trying to keep her amused while keeping Thor calm is another balancing act. We play fetch with her tennis ball several times a day. We even play inside from one floor to another so she has to run up and down the stairs to wear her out faster. I would love to take her for long walks, as we both need the exercise, but Thor can't do that. Even before we knew about the tumor, he couldn't do that because of his arthritis. Now I don't want to take just Arabella, because I don't want to leave Thor home alone. So our walks are on hold for now.
The bright side of all this balancing is that I have a boy who feels well enough to play. For that I am very thankful!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The begining...
Hi. My name is Pam and I have two wonderful boxer pups. Anyone who has ever met a boxer knows that they are always "pups". They are very energtic and playful throughout their lives. That being said my pups are Thor, 10 yrs and 9 mos, and Arabella 5 yrs 2 mos. I love them both dearly and they have been my constant companions. It is rare that I even go on vacation without them.
The reason I am starting this blog is just basically for me to write down what I am going through as I deal with an awful diagnosis. On the night of Feb 12, my boy Thor had an upset tummy and vomitted. Not really a big deal for most dogs. Thor suffers from chronic pancreatitis so it can be the begining of a flare. After a while he isn't sick anymore but he is very listless. He won't settle down at all. So off to the emergency vet we go. I assumed pancreatitis again. When they did a ultrasound to check it out they found a tumor. And it was bleeding. I had to leave him there and wait for the internalist to do rounds in the morning.
When I got the call back, it was not good. Hemangiosarcoma. Basically an bloodfilled tumor. Should it rupture my boy will bleed to death. Actually "should" is probably the wrong word. To be correct, when it ruptures. Thankfully that night was just a small bleed, and I got to bring him home the next afternoon.
Now I had to weigh my options. Option 1; do nothing. The normal outcome, is a few days, to about a month. Option 2; surgery. It would give us 1-2 months, and the first 6 weeks is recovery from the surgery. Option 3; surgery and chemo. We would have to wait 1 month for enough healing to be done before we started chemo. A major side effect of the chemo is heart arrythmia. Thor already suffers from that and is taking meds for it. So the chemo would probably kill him.
So in Thor's best interest we are doing nothing. It is the only thing that won't put him through undo pain. And "nothing" really isn't nothing. We are loving on him and spoiling him as best we can. He is on limited activity so as not to rupure the tumor, but he is getting lots of extra treats to make up for it.
Three days after the diagnosis, I had to take my other dog, Arabella to the vet for a check-up and I brought Thor along. My regular vet wanted to see the tumor for himself, so he did an ultrasound. The bleeding had stopped and a clot was forming. Music to my ears! He also told me of another dog he had who had the same thing. The tumor had formed a "protective clot" around it, and the dog lived another two years.
As much as I would love to spend another two years with my boy, I know the odds are against us. So here we are, 8 days past the awful diagnosis. I just wanted to a place to chronicle our journey from here. I know others have been through this and still others are going through it now. I would love to hear from you and have you share you experiences with me.
The reason I am starting this blog is just basically for me to write down what I am going through as I deal with an awful diagnosis. On the night of Feb 12, my boy Thor had an upset tummy and vomitted. Not really a big deal for most dogs. Thor suffers from chronic pancreatitis so it can be the begining of a flare. After a while he isn't sick anymore but he is very listless. He won't settle down at all. So off to the emergency vet we go. I assumed pancreatitis again. When they did a ultrasound to check it out they found a tumor. And it was bleeding. I had to leave him there and wait for the internalist to do rounds in the morning.
When I got the call back, it was not good. Hemangiosarcoma. Basically an bloodfilled tumor. Should it rupture my boy will bleed to death. Actually "should" is probably the wrong word. To be correct, when it ruptures. Thankfully that night was just a small bleed, and I got to bring him home the next afternoon.
Now I had to weigh my options. Option 1; do nothing. The normal outcome, is a few days, to about a month. Option 2; surgery. It would give us 1-2 months, and the first 6 weeks is recovery from the surgery. Option 3; surgery and chemo. We would have to wait 1 month for enough healing to be done before we started chemo. A major side effect of the chemo is heart arrythmia. Thor already suffers from that and is taking meds for it. So the chemo would probably kill him.
So in Thor's best interest we are doing nothing. It is the only thing that won't put him through undo pain. And "nothing" really isn't nothing. We are loving on him and spoiling him as best we can. He is on limited activity so as not to rupure the tumor, but he is getting lots of extra treats to make up for it.
Three days after the diagnosis, I had to take my other dog, Arabella to the vet for a check-up and I brought Thor along. My regular vet wanted to see the tumor for himself, so he did an ultrasound. The bleeding had stopped and a clot was forming. Music to my ears! He also told me of another dog he had who had the same thing. The tumor had formed a "protective clot" around it, and the dog lived another two years.
As much as I would love to spend another two years with my boy, I know the odds are against us. So here we are, 8 days past the awful diagnosis. I just wanted to a place to chronicle our journey from here. I know others have been through this and still others are going through it now. I would love to hear from you and have you share you experiences with me.
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