Thor has me a little concerned today. He seems a bit mopey and a bit clingy. I need to run a couple of errands and have put them off. I'll wait until my husband comes home.
It has been three weeks since we found out about the tumor, and all in all things are going well. I wonder if I am being hyper-aware to Thor's moods, and reading more into them then I should. I guess it really doesn't matter, as I don't see me doing anything any different at this point.
I think it is almost impossible to really know what is going on with dogs until things get pretty bad. Also they tend to be so stoic. At least in Darwin's case, there was little warning before he became symptomatic. In retrospect he was a little off his food in the morning - leaving about 1/4 of his kibble in the bowl. But that was really the only sign he gave before collapsing from cardiac tamponade. I hope tomorrow is a better day.